Winter Wonder Land Gift Shop

Winter Wonderland Gift Shop
* No hassle Inventory / No Counting program
* 100% on Consignment.
* Pay only for the items you sell.
* Most gifts are priced under $5.00.
* Gifts for all family members.
* We customize your holiday gift store to your needs.
* Beautiful gifts for Mother's Day and Father's Day.
* Coded merchandise and cash registers are available.
* We offer a great selection of merchandise for your school's fair.
* Sign-up incentives & after sales bonuses.
* Free shopping supplies for your school's holiday gift shop.
* Great assortment of gifts for Christmas, Hannukah and Kwanzaa.
* Safe (not a door to door fundraiser) for all elementary schools.
* Free delivery and pick-up on all Holiday Boutique merchandise for your gift shop.
Your children will learn the joy of giving and making memories during the holidays

Our program is Safe, Educational for kids , Affordable and Convenient for parents !!!!!!
The Nation's Best Kids's Secret Gift Shoppe

The In-School Gift Shop may go by many different names: Holiday Boutique, Santa Secret Gift Store, School Store, In School Holiday Shop, Christmas Fair, Jingle Bell Shoppe, School Holiday Bazaar, Consignment School Shoppe, Gingerbread Fair, Young Kid's Consignment Store, School Holiday Boutique, etc.

Contact Us
Call Toll Free: 1-866-246-3681
Fax Toll Free: 1-866-310-7681
email: info@winterwonderlandgiftshop.com
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Included from left to right are: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Youtube. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Staten Island , New York 10303
© Copyright Winter Wonderland Gift Shop . All rights reserved.